Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Eduardo Henrique Capelo Lima
Título: Plataforma GameKeeper: analisando elementos de gamificação
The digital and information age have revolutionized the manner of people relate in terms of social, culture and economics. The new society live in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and knowledge age. Every single day new ways or strategies of motivation and engagement to attract people emerge. In this context, the gamification concept appears bringing game elements to generate positive emotions and engagement in activities that was taken as boring and repetitive. However, the success of applying the gamification concept depends on how these elements were used and which analysis techniques were performed to identify user engagement. Through it all, this paper consists in to validate the applicability of the gamification concept and presents the implementation of a platform that monitors gamification elements. In this work there’ve results obtained from the gamification platform Gamekeeper and the application Socil Hero which were develop to validate the features of the platform. The application was submitted to in a real context, for experimental purpose that its objective was to verify whether gamification elements can turn people more engaged. The obtained results show that is necessary to be careful to choose such game elements and techniques when applying in different contexts, because this can determine how users are engaged in a gamified system. Finally, it is concluded that Gamekeeper can provide tools for gamification analysis and helps by choosing which game elements are best to deploy in a gamified system.