Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rejane Luiza Lingner
Título: BLULIBRAS: dicionário regional de libras
This work describes the development of BLULIBRAS, a mobile application that aims to help in the diffusion of regional signs of LIBRAS. In order to register the data displayed in the mobile application, a web application has been developed. For the web application, the PHP language was used, along with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap. The mobile application was developed for Android platform using the Java language. For storing the images in the mobile device, the WEBP format was used for better compression of the images, without loss of significant quality. The results obtained through the application of a questionnaire with students, teachers and interpreters of LIBRAS demonstrate that the application has a user- friendly interface and even children would be able to use it. The application was well accepted by the teachers of LIBRAS who consider the possibility of using it as a tool to assist students in learning LIBRAS without conflicting the learned signs with the ones used in other regions. The students were also interested in this application because of the easy access to this content, without the need of booklets and constant help from the teacher, as well as for not running into the problem of different signals between different regions.