Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Claor Édino Bauer
Título: Ferramenta para auxílio no ensino de orientação a objetos
The paradigm of Object Orientation in most cases is part of the programming education
curriculum. However the methodologies and even the tools used for teaching this paradigm
often do not help enough and learning is still quite affected. This document aims to present a
tool for mobile devices that can assist teachers and students in learning Object-Oriented
paradigm. The tool, called OO Programming Lab, has been developed for Windows Phone
operating system. It has a graphical interface that communicates with services available
through WCF technology to compile the classes, create objects and store data. For
development it has been used the technique Test Driven Development (TDD), which proved
to be useful for keeping code developed cohesive and correct despite changes throughout the
process. Students can interact with the tool by creating new classes and methods and attributes
for these classes. With the created objects, it is possible to call their methods and also inspect
the value of its attributes. All data created during the execution of the tool is saved on the
server and loaded when the tool is started. At the end of the work, a validation was performed
with a group of students who evaluated this tool positively.