Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Gustavo Rufino Feltrin
Título: VISEDU-SIMULA 1.0: visualizador de material educacional, módulo de animação comportamental
This paper presents the development of a Behavioral Animation Module involving the extension of a 2D Game Engine, an extension of a Games Editor and implementing a Reasoning Module. The extended 2D Game Engine has been implemented with the Javascript language and the Canvas element of HTML5; Game Editor is an extended web tool created with JSF; Reasoning Module is an application that uses Artificial Intelligence techniques to perform the reasoning. In creating the reasoner, we opted for using the Jason platform for development of agents in the BDI model, using the language AgentSpeak. During the development of this work, Editor using the Games as a development environment; Motor 2D Games proved to be a tool to foster the creation of a simulation environment. During the development of this work, using the Games Editor as a development environment, 2D Games Engine proved to be a tool to foster the creation of a simulation environment. Jason platform under the BDI architecture is efficient in creating mental models that provide Behavioral Animations to the characters of the simulations created. In the comparative analysis of browsers used, within limits Internet Explorer proved to be a stable browser and better performance in the execution of the simulations.