Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Felipe Rotermel
Título: Portais Corporativos como Ferramenta de Gestão do Conhecimento utilizando Liferay
Take advantage of any available resource in an organization is a common goal of all businesses. Some of these resources are unnoticed by most of the managers of these organizations. Knowledge is one these, it is spread throughout the organization. Make this knowledge in to something that generates competitive advantage is the great challenge. Using information systems to gather and disseminate this knowledge is the objective of this academic work. To provide this, was used existing technology to create a Web portal aimed at making it a tool for knowledge management. The method used for the development of this portal was to use a basic framework for the interface and component development in Java and Java Server Page (JSP) to create a corporate portal focused on knowledge management. This academic work shows that with few resources and technologies using open source you can create tools that can help organizations achieve their goals.