Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): David Tiago Conceição
Título: Framework para Gerenciamento e Disponibilização de Informações Multimídia Geolocalizadas na Plataforma Android
This work presents the development of a tool for the definition of geolocate information connected to audio, video, images, texts and points of interest media in an Android application. The tool also allows the sharing of geolocate media between connected users, beyond the query to the geolocalization of these users. The informations about geolocation are persisted into a local database and the communication with the server is made up over the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The visualization and reproduction of media occurs through Android native libraries. The maps exibition and the obtaining of the selected coordinates occur through external libraries available to the platform. During the evolution of this work, the Android platform is presented by concepts and use of funcionalities.