Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Thiago Alexandre Gesser
Título: Sistema de Proteção para Servidores de Jogos On-Line contra Softwares Clientes não Oficiais
This work presents the development of a protection system for server softwares against unofficial client softwares. The offered protection makes that a server software only communicates with client software that it trusts. All client software that wants to connect on the protected server software passes by validations before and after connecting to prove he is trustworthy. All validations done by the system are automatic, and fully abstracted from the client software user. This type of security is needed in online games, because tampered client softwares can enable cheating. To prevent the tampering of the system itself, it integrates current studies of the security area and other areas, such as white-box cryptography and dynamic code update. The system is extensible, allowing easy implementation of new types of validations.