Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Samuel Yuri Deschamps
Título: Framework para Mapeamento Objeto-Relacional em Delphi
This work presents the development of an object persistence framework which uses the Object-Relational Mapping technique. Such framework will be useful to develop information systems in Delphi 2010 environment for Windows witch interact with Firebird or MySQL database systems, extensible to other RDBMSs. The persistence is realized from aplication\'s entity classes mapped by annotations. This is a more efficacious approach than XML-based mappings. The framework uses resources like RTTI, Custom Attributes, Nullable, Object-Relational Mapping special techniques like OID, inheritance mapping and association mapping. Also uses both general and specific design patterns, like Lazy Load. This document explains all these techniques, as well as the project specification with UML diagrams and some implementation details. At the end, there are shown examples of using the framework to develop a system.