Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Roland Wolff Júnior
Título: Portal Web para a Integração das Pizzarias de Rio do Sul
This final project aims to present the development of a website called Pizzariasriosul. The website should be a useful tool to integrate the pizzas stores in the town of Rio do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The website has been developed using main software languages: PHP, XHTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT e AJAX. To create the database the MySql has been used as well. This website presented within this final project will allow internet users to search/browse for all the information available regarding to the pizzas stores within the area of Rio do Sul, SC, Brazil. This way the internet users will be able to place an order for his/her pizza from home with all the comfort that the on-line service provided by the Pizzariasriosul website will offer. Finally, the pizza stores will be able to provide their customers a better service as well as increasing publicity for their businesses targeting their clients more efficiently in the future.