Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rafael Adriano
Título: Webide 2.0 : um ambiente web usando GWT-EXT para acompanhamento e desenvolvimento de exercícios de programação
This paper presents the development of a web environment to monitor and develop programming exercises. The environment has an administrative area, where the teacher creates exercises to be solved by students. In this environment the student solves the exercise using the Java syntax and an editor with syntax highlighting, content assist, line numbering, running and debugging the algorithm. The environment also provides an area for teachers and monitors to correct exercises when the students finalized them, send comments to fix and reopen the exercise for each student. The environment was developed with Java and JavaScript, and used the GWT framework along with an Ext extension library to facilitate the creation of screens. GWT also uses technologies such as AJAX, JSNI (where you can write JavaScript code in a Java source), and protocol RPC (communication between client and server). Also the JPDA architecture was used to develop the debugging environment.