Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Luciano Pamplona Sobrinho
Título: Reconhecimento facial 2D para sistemas de autenticação em dispositivos móveis
This work shows ways to present a way to make all the processing of a facial recognition on a mobile device. It was used iPhone to represent mobile devices so that real time is possible to detect and recognize an individual. It use a specific build of the library OpenCV for the operating system of the device to meet the proposed goal of this work. They are also used techniques of image processing and computer vision for detection, biometric recognition and normalization of the face. Using this library and develop techniques allowed a study to verify the accuracy rate on the variation of the capture environment, for example, different faces, different poses and different lighting conditions. It was observed that even varying lighting situations and poses to capture photos of faces is possible to achieve a good hit rate in face recognition.