Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Felipe da Silva Biss
Título: Aplicação da Técnica Hipermídia Adaptativa no Ambiente Empreendedor da Furb
This work presents the specification and development of adaptive hypermedia software on the entrepreneurial environment of the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB). In this environment the students can creating a fictitious company to study the entrepreneurship discipline, but there are a lot of information in some areas of the same, difficulting for the student. This study aimed to updating the developed site using the technique of adaptive hypermedia in order to facilitate the use of the environment. The proposal was giving two hypermedia options for the user chooses: Adaptive Hypermedia (AH) and adaptable hypermedia. The methodology used was object-oriented analysis, and the language used was Java script and Ajax, accessing the MySQL database. As a resulted, this study demonstrated that the implementation of adaptive hypermedia facilitated the use of a learning environment. On the AH when the student uses the entrepreneurial environment, he could arrange the icons, modules and files to your preference, or let the system organize them while he uses the environment. This study also noticed that the AH technique applied to the learning environment was beneficial, especially for facilitating the use by students with different levels of knowledge.