Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Elisângela Cristina Lombardi
Título: Protótipo de um sistema para acompanhamento de trabalhos de conclusão de curso
This work presents the development of a Web application whose purpose is to automatize the management of the processes of disciplines of Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, do curso de Ciência da Computação. The focus of the application is related to the management of the works of conclusion of course carried through by the academic registered this disciplines, which is responsible for the fulfilment of all the final stages necessary for the academic to form itself in the course of Computer Science. Language enters the used technologies in the development of the same one is distinguished it JavaScript and framework jQuery, that it possess plugins you add of control of data saw Ajax. The application uses the data base MySQL and its pages had been constructed in Hypertext PreProcessor (PHP). To define the layout Style was used Cascading Sheets (CSS).