Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Roberta Raquel Leismann
Título: Sistema de Agendamento do Atendimento Médico na Unidade Básica de Saúde de Arroio Trinta
This work represents a Web system of medical records consultations, Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and management of information of the Basic Unit of Health (BUH) of the city of Arroio Trinta, in Santa Catarina. The system was developed in the language Program Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), with data bank MySQL, for use of the administrators, doctors and employees of the BUH, beyond clinical laboratories and specialized doctors of other entities of health. Its main function is to make appointments possible, allowing the doctor\'s agenda to be sent by way of Short Message Service (SMS). They are reports of internal control, solicitations and registers results of examinations, medical prescriptions, bill of health/illness and guidance. The system allows the International Classification statistics of Illnesses and problems related to health (CID-10).