Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Glauco Knihs
Título: Linguagem de programação visual baseada em tipos de dados abstratos
This work describes the implementation process of Abstract Data Types (ADT) and concurrent processes in the tool denominated Language Tangram Draw (LTD) implemented initially by Alcântara Jr. (2003) and extended by Theiss (2006). This work aims to facilitate the programming teaching based on the ADT for alphabetized children through a visual environment. The tool is composed by an editor of models and an editor of worlds, where each model, formed by parts of the game Tangram, is an ADT and, in a world, several objects can be instantiated from a model. The LTD provides a textual language associated to visual programming. The implementation was done in Java using the library Java bindings for Open Graphics Library (JOGL).