Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jorge Augusto Schoenfelder
Título: Sistema de Informação Aplicado a Empresas de Leilões Judiciais
Auction is the public sale of a movable property to the person who offers the highest bid.
Aiming to agility and abbreviation of a bunch of manage routines, this paper is up to develop a software of management administration and financial auction business, letting the control of the assets purchased at auction of removed assets from commissions.
Making use of the information, resource has developed a software that allows reduce expenses, market increase, hasten and improve the planning and information control, providing this way a vision of whole enterprise areas, without lost of time or request a deep knowledge in each area. For the system development was used a Delphi tool and data base Interbase, as well Enterprise Architect tool for diagrams development and DBDesigner for data modeling. With the system implanted at the enterprise, has observed that the objectives were obtained and it’s a truly functional system and useful to the enterprise, because serve all needs of this in organization terms.