Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Mereli Rank
Título: Sistema de Informação do Laboratório de Instrumentação do Ensino da Universidade Regional de Blumenau
A great difficulty found for some teachers is the development of innovative ideas that become your classes more creative, dynamic and that arouse the interest of the students. In this context, the present task describe the procedures used in the elaboration of a system of information for the control of available didactic materials in the library of the Laboratório de Instrumentação do Ensino (Laboratory of instrumentation of education) of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB). This task has as main objective to organize and to give information, through the Web, on the available workmanships for loan. And, moreover, to control the transactions such as, loans, devolutions and reserves of the materials that the library has in its collection. This application was developed through the programming language PHP and data base MySQL. As result in this task, it was observed the produce of information about didactic materials of the LIE’s Library, in which they had been with the access and produce of information more easy and usable. The processes of loan, devolution and reserves of materials had been also simplified.