Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Joseane Görtler
Título: Sistema de Gestão do Capital Intelectual das Produções Científicas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Regional de Blumenau
Scientific productions consist in one of the products most relevant of After-Graduation and integrate the scientific and technological knowledge produced by an institution. In this context, the present task aims to describe the procedures used in the elaboration of a system of management of the Intellectual Capital of the Scientific Productions of the After-Graduation Program in Administration of the Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB). The proposed task has as main objective to organize and to make easy the localization and the access to the scientific productions developed in the PPGAd and moreover, to produce an environment through the Web that makes possible the access the information on scientific events where these scientific productions can be divulged. This application was developed through the programming language PHP and data base MySQL. As a result in this task, it was observed the spreading of information about scientific productions, scientific events and periodics, what becomes the access more facilitated, usable and integrated. While that the most common, when treats about scientific production, is only to treat them separately, without to be worried about the spreading of these productions as intellectual capital, how is being made with the scientific productions of the FURB’s PPGAd.