Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Juarez Bachmann
Título: Aplicativo Web para Definição do Modelo Lógico no Projeto de Banco de Dados Relacional
This work presents the implementation of software to definition of the logical data model on relational database projects, developed for the web environment using the Java platform, MVC architecture and some design patterns, like DAO and Command. To make the system interface friendlier to the user, at some points it was used a set of techniques called Ajax, availability similar to the recourses that exists at the desktop applications. The developed software allows the control of database projects and versions, besides making possible the users access restriction to determined projects. It also allows creating diagrams to model tables, columns and relationships graphically. Finally, there is the possibility to generate scripts with the SQL commands needed to create a modeled database and also to bring up to date an existing database, applying the changes done between the two versions.