Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Felipe Laus
Título: Implementação de um Agente TAC SCM em Linguagem Agentspeak(L)
This work presents an implementation of a multiagent system situated in a simulated environment called Trading Agent Competition Supply Chain Management (TAC SCM). TAC SCM consists of competitions with six competing agents, where each one is responsible for managing computers assembly lines. The agent has as tasks: to receive order from the consumers of computers, to ask suppliers for components, to schedule the production of the plant and to schedule the delivery of the orders. The simulator plays the role of consumer, supplier, plant, supply and bank. The architecture of the agent is based on a model cognitive with three main mental attitudes that are the beliefs, the desires and the intentions (shortened for BDI). In this work, the applicatory construction of a capable one is told to interact in a competitive environment. The system is specified with the Prometheus methodology and implemented in AgentSpeak(L) language using the Jason interpreter.