Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Diogo de Carvalho Micheluzzi
Título: Migração do Jogo de Empresas Líder da Plataforma Delphi para Java Utilizando Framework J2EE Javaserver Faces e Ajax
This work describes the migration of the Líder 8 business game, originally developed in the programming language Delphi, to the Java platform. To obtain the actual model of the system, it was made a system re engineering using the reverse engineering technique. The new project was developed using design patterns, getting a better model and an easier system to give maintenance. That way, the old model has been redesigned and specified again, adjusting it into a new architecture, using the MVC pattern. The new version was made using the JSF framework to develop the view and controller layers, and the persistence layer was developed using the Hibernate framework. The reports were developed with the IReport tool and generated using the JasperReport library and JFreeChart library for the graphics. The Líder 8 system did not have a simulation that allowed the players to visualize cause and effect pointers as well as the impact on their decisions. That way, in the present work, this simulation was added to the system. For doing this, the AJAX technology was used, allowing the simulation to be made in a dynamic way on the JSF pages. The main design patterns that were used were: Façade, MVC, DAO, Singleton, as well as the IDE Sun Java Studio Creator (JSC) for developing the system.