Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Fernando Rafael Piccini
Título: Inclusão do Algoritmo de Transformação de um Autômato Finito em Expressão Regular no \'Editor de Autômatos Finitos\'
The present work describes the implementation of the algorithm of a finite automata transformation in regular expression proposed in Silva (2006) in the finite automata editor (MORASTONI, 2002). Improvements and implementations of new functionalities as transistion table presentation, to allow to save and to open an archive contend the structure (graph) of a Finite Automaton and inclusion of the RxLib library also had been carried through. The Editor of Finite Automata initially was developed with objective to facilitate the understanding of the theory studied for the academics of disciplines of Formal Languages of the course of Computer sciences of the FURB. In the extension of the tool three new classes had been specified: TTabela, TExpressaoRegular and TTabelaTransicao. The tool was specified with orientation to objects, using the diagrams of use cases, diagrams of activities and diagram of class and was implemented in the environment Delphi.