Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Henrique Tomasi Pires
Título: Modelo Simplificado do Cifrador IDEA
The development of a simplified model for the IDEA symmetrical block cipher, denominated SIDEA is proposed. A simplified model can help one to understand a cipher, for it keeps the primitive operations, while decreases the parameters, making it easier to use it. The adopted way was the study of algebraic and mathematical principles to obtain the maximum possible reduction of the number of parameters for the understanding of the basic structure. During the development of the prototype, DES cipher and its simplified model, S-DES, are analyzed, to verify if S-DES contributes to the understanding of DES. In elapsing of the work the methodology used for the reductions, the techniques used in the implementation of the archetype is presented, as the tests and results. This work aims at an easier way to explain not only the mechanisms that provide strong resistance, but also to explain the real one. Another important point of this work is to make possible a manual implementation from the simplified model that has correlation with IDEA and can serve like reference to another proposal simplified model of symmetrical block ciphers.