Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Israel Rodnei de Faustino
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Informaçöes de Livros Utilizando Objetos Distribuídos
The publishing houses and bookstores development and, consequently, the publishing of new books and editions updating have increased the necessity of a new system able to concentrated every information, such as possible or useful, in a same place, with the main objective of supporting bookstores with data books in real time, quickly and reliable, making in mind to get a best link into the relation store assistant/customer. This tool, as a proposal, means to have updating data from publishing houses to free access by bookstores, in a fast way, using a distributed environment in a data format standard. This model is thought for a better way of organizing data list into the system by the publishing houses, in distributed system, using CORBA. Such data follow a kind of catalog international standard, called MARC 21. The publishing houses will be able to include new books using a simple module, or even modify them, like categories, skills and so on. The data base of these publishing houses will be available to bookstores using a distributed environment too. For this, a consultation screen can be used by customers or bookstore assistants. After the consultation be done, the system will record, in XML, all changes. All then will serve with cache for new consultation that is, researching information from that file which had already been consulted.