Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Ariana Souza
Título: Ferramenta para Conversão de Formulários Delphi em Páginas Html
Is this work the DelphiToWeb tool is introduced. It assists web applications development, from the interface conversion of Delphi implemented software. The tool converts components of Delphi interface to equivalent components in HTML, LZX and XML files. DelphiToWeb is a code generator, meaning that the implemented code generator model was based on the generator model of application layer. The input generator is a DFM file, having the necessary information to construct code with the functionalities for the interface layer of a Web application. The DFM file analysis was done using language analyzers (lexicon, syntactic and semantic); to generate the HTML pages, HTML and JavaScript were used and to generate the LZX file, the LXZ language by Laszlo was used.