Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Júlio César Zimermann
Título: Protótipo para Simulação da Difução do Calor em um Ambiente Distribuído com Carga Balanceada
The present work presents the implementation of a distributed software prototype for a classical problem of heat dissipation simulation with load balancing among components of the distributed architecture. The problem involves numeric heat flow calculation, including the processes of heat dissipation in a metallic foil. Also, the present work promotes a discussion on the use of distributed objects, through a comparative study. To promote such study, two applications were developed: a distributed prototype with load balancing among the its components and a stand-alone version of the distributed prototype. The software prototypes were developed using API – Applications Programming Interface – JavaTM 2, version 1.4.0_2, Standard Edition, along with Java RMI for the distributed application.