Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Daniel Busnardo
Título: Protótipo de um Sistema de Hardware e Software para Monitoramento da Qualidade da Energia Elétrica
The work here related has developed a prototype of an equipment made by a microcontroled hardware and a software to manage it. This work has also developed a software in Delphi programming environment to work in a PC microcomputer. This equipment can take information about variation in tension and frequency in the eletric energy and keep some wave form of the tension that has been more distorted in the verified period. After the collection, those informations are sent to a microcomputer where these datas are treaty to generate graphs about the tension variations of the electric energy. It gives, so, a control of the verified energy quality, and in the case of a evidencied problem, the necessary actions can be taken to correct it.