Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Marco Antonio Ruthes dos Santos
Título: Animação do Funcionamento de um Núcleo de Sistema Operacional
The teaching of the operating systems concepts is a difficult task. The merit of this work resides in the fact that it is intended to build an animation environment, where can be possible to demonstrate the movement dynamic of the nucleus components of an operating system. The hypothesis of the work research resides in the fact that it is hoped that the student when he visualize the components in movement, he can build the concepts in a more intuitive form than memorizing them only. The great advantage of this educational software project is to allow the creation of a teaching/learning hybrid environment, allowing the theories experimentation introduced in the class room, in which the student plays an active and essential role. Besides that, the animation environment can contribute to the student improves his simulator version of the competitive processes, from the visualization of the animation anomalous behavior.