Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Frank Juergen Knaesel
Título: Protótipo de um Software Editor Orientado por Gabaritos para Programas Dataflex
This work illustrates by means of a prototype, the edition of programs source of the Dataflex language with insertion of templates, syntax color highlighting and transference of archives by FTP. Currently, there wasn´t any software for edition of programs source of the Dataflex language with the features above. The main objective of this work was to develop such software. For the specification of the prototype, the Essential Analisys was used assisted by Power Designer CASE tool, and for the implementation, the Delphi programming environment version 4 was used. The prototype of this software was placed in practical use in the Jaraguá do Sul City Hall, that uses the Dataflex language and the operational system Windows. The firsts results of the utilization of this software were good, however, there are improvements to be carried through.