Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Daniel Moser Tralamazza
Título: Desenvolvimento de um Algoritmo para o Problema de Satisfação de Restrição Distribuída
This work is concerned with Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (DCSP). DCSP are problems that have their information geographicaly distributed. There infor- mation are normally represented as constraints over the values that variables can assume, the DCSP resolution consists of ¯nding consistent values for its variables. There are se- veral algorithms for its resolution, the ¯rst were proposed by Yokoo et al. (1992). This work has speci¯ed (using Object Orientation), implemented (in the Java language) and analyzed the AWC algorithm proposed by Makoto. The main results are: (i) the impact of the number of machines in the performance of the algorithm and (ii) new heuristics proposals for the AWC.