Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Silvino Brigido de Souza
Título: O+: uma aplicação para gestão de hemocentros e agendamento de doações de sangue
This work aims to provide a web application for managing blood center stocks and scheduling
blood donations. Donation scheduling and inventory management processes are often
complex. In order to facilitate these procedures, a application was developed in which donors
can schedule donations and employees and administrators can manage donations and the
stock of blood centers. The system was developed using the client-server architecture. In the
client layer, Javascript, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS) were used, using the Angular framework for user interface development. In the server
layer, the Java language was used with the Spring Boot framework for entity modeling and
the MySQL database. The methodology chosen to validate the objectives of the work was
through testing with a common user. From the result of the test carried out with the user, it
was found that the objectives of the work were achieved and some points for improvement
and possible extensions were identified.