Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Filipe Gabriel Tobias
Título: Help pet: aplicativo colaborativo que auxilia na busca e na adoção de animais
This paper contains the information gathering, specification, development and operation of a
collaborative application to assists in the search and adoption of pets, named Help Pet. The
main objective of this work is to develop a collaborative mobile application that helps the
process of searching for lost pets and pets adoption, centralizing information, facilitating
access and communication. To create the application, the Flutter toolkit was used together
with Dart programming language to create the interfaces, applying the concepts of Material
Design. The application’s back-end was developed using the Java programming language
along with the Spring Boot framework and the MySQL database for data storage. For the map
visualization functions, they where implemented through the Application Programming
Interfaces (API) provided by the Google Maps API. The information gathering took place
through a bibliographic deepening on pets shelters, collaborative systems and Design
Thinking that was used in the process. In order to achieve more accurate results, a Design
Thinking workshop was carried out and the Relationship of M3C with User Requirements and
Usability and Communicability Assessment in groupware (RURUCAg) Method was used.
The RURUCAg Method was used to confirm whether the proposed objectives were achieved
and to analyze and evaluate the usability, communicability in the use of the developed
interfaces and functionalities, in addition to relating the Collaboration Model 3C (M3C) with
the application functionalities. With the results obtained through the evaluation, it was
possible to identify that the objectives of the work were achieved, in addition to raising future
improvements and extensions.