Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Yuri Trierveiler
Título: Agenda interativa para auxílio em tarefas domésticas básicas
This work presents the development of an application to record users’ daily activities,
presenting them in a simple and easy-to-use agenda. Faced with the identified need for a tool
that helps us remember routine activities, this work focused on offering a mobile application
that allows users to easily and quickly register the activities that they want to achieve better
control over their activities. The application was developed using the Javascript programming
language, with the React Native framework, allowing it’s use on both Android and iOS
operating systems. As a database, Firebase’s Firestore Database tool and source code editor is
Visual Studio Code. The developed application was tested by 10 volunteer evaluators who
volunteered to download the application and carry out some proposed tests. The evaluators
answered profile and usability scale questionnaires, which in the end reached positive results in
the question of good usability within the questions presented in the questionnaire.