Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Gustavo Henrique Spiess
Título:  Geração de redes complexas com comunidades sobrepostas e comunidades hierárquicas 
It is not rare that real world systems get modeled as attributed graph, meaning a data
structure where there is the categorization of the nodes, and also the relationships between
nodes. In this graphs from the real world, some properties naturally happen in the network
topography. One of this properties is the tendency to form clusters that can be described
as communities. In many systems those communities are organized in a self similar way,
e.g. communities composed by sub communities, forming a nested structure. Communities
also tend, in some real world systems, to have overlapping regions, where nodes belong
to both communities. This paper presents an algorithmic model for generating complex
networks with hierarchical communities and with overlapping communities. The main goal
of this model is the parameterization and control of those properties during the building
process of the graph to make available a ground truth against witch detection algorithms
can be tested. The validation of the presence of those properties is done using the inertia
and modularity properties.