Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Lucas Reinert
Título:  DVDR: sistema de gerenciamento de despesas 
This paper aims to demonstrate the development of a mobile application capable of dividing
the expenses of a certain group of people. Through the application it is possible to create groups
and add people who will participate in the apportionment of expenses. The client-server
architecture of the application works with a backend built in Java 11, using the Spring Boot
framework and is present on the server side. The mobile application was built with the Dart
programming language and Flutter framework. To perform user authentication, file storage and
chat in real time, the Firebase service was used, being the PostgreSQL database. Finally, an
usability evaluation of the application was carried out using the methodology, System Usability
Scale (SUS). The application received the rating of “very good” and allows an efficient
apportionment of expenses, with interaction and an effective way of validating payments.