Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Douglas Portugal de Oliveira
Título: Gestão de equipamentos para Data Center
This work aims to develop a tool to improve equipment management in the Unifique Data
Center. It was necessary to collect information on the current scenario with co-supervisor
Ademar Hasquel, current manager of the Data Center area at Unifique. The developed tool
needed to adapt to Unifique internal processes and its existing DCIM tool. The integration
between the developed tool called GestEquipDC makes the integration with Netbox implanted
in Unifique via API. This integration allowed the construction of a single information base on
the equipment and capacities of Unifique’s Data Centers. GestEquipDC was developed in
Python version 3 with the Django framework and the MySQL database. The chosen IDE was
the PyCharm Community Edition, both for developing Python code and web interfaces. The
developed tool was delivered to the operations technician and the Data Center area manager,
in this case Ademar Hasquel himself. An interview with the two users was carried out to
collect impressions of the tool's efficiency, effectiveness and scalability at different
operational levels. With the Interview it was possible to conclude that the tool reduces the
level of complexity in the operation of input and output of equipment. It generates a gain of
time in the process of documentation of the executed movements. Enables real-time
monitoring of the entry and exit operation. It generates scale so that several technicians can
carry out the operation simultaneously, without depending on approvals or operations of other