Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Bruno Beckhauser Fernandes
Título: Controle de medicação e gestão de resultados de exames em uma aplicação colaborativa
This paper presents the specification, development and operation of a collaborative
application for medication control and exams, entitled Saúde Amiga. The main objective of
the paper is to develop a collaborative application for mobile devices that coordinates a
patient's medication schedules, stock of remedies and exam routines. The application was
developed using the programming language Dart, the non-relational database of the Firebase
platform called Cloud Firestore, the Flutter framework for the implementation of user
interfaces, in addition to the authentication service of the Firebase platform. The gathering of
information and the understanding of the current application were carried out through a search
in the literature on kidney transplantation, medication control and Collaborative Systems in
addition to living with people undergoing treatment. A usability and communicability
assessment were carried out, relating the Collaboration 3C Model (M3C) to the user's
requirements, using the Relationship of M3C with User Requirements and Usability and
Communicability Assessment in groupware (RURUCAg). Finally, the RURUCAg Method
was applied in an evaluation with six participants, being possible to identify the effectiveness
of Saúde Amiga and from the results obtained it was possible to both verify that the objectives
were achieved and to raise the points of improvement for the application in the future.