Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Philip Ibbotson Trierweiler
Título: J.A.R.P.G.H.: apenas um ajudante de role-playing game
In this work is presented a prototype for creating, editing and presenting a digital and
interactive character sheet for the Role-Playing Game (RPG) system known as Dungeons and
Dragons (D & D) 5e. For development, several concepts and technologies were used: field
studies, paper prototyping, minimum viable product (MVP), clean code, componentization,
MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node (MEAN Stack), and other. The motivation for the
creation of this prototype arose from experiences in the context of the environment which by
extension and complexity makes learning difficult. As a result, it was conclude that the goal
was achieved, since the requirements described throughout the document were met and a
product was delivered