Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Rodrigo Heinzle
Título: COGNCOOK: aplicativo para reconhecimento de imagens de alimentos e sugestões de receitas culinárias utilizando ingredientes disponíveis
This work presents the development of a mobile application for food image recognition and recipes suggestion. Therefore, the system enables the user to take pictures or use images from the gallery. The system was developed using the Ionic 2 framework. To perform the image recognition, the Computing Vision tool IBM Watson Visual Recogition was used. Once the food is recognized, the user can perform a search for culinary recipes with available ingredients. The recipes are provided by the API Spoonacular, which has more than three hundred thousand recipes fed by the community. The reached results were satisfactory and the system achieved the objectives of the work. The tests performed obtained 94.2% success in food recognition.