Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Evandro José Nuss Junior
Título: FURBMOBILE: um protótipo para visualização de informações do Interação FURB
Mobile devices are increasingly inserted in people's daily lives, with this a great need to make the information available more objectively has surged. FURB does not have an application that provides information for people interested in joining the university. This way, this work presents the development of an Android application that allows the visualization of relevant information for people who are interested in knowing the courses offered by FURB, as well as the objective of assisting in the participation control of the Interação FURB workshops. The application was developed using JavaScript programming language and JSX syntax along with React Native framework. The server part was developed in the programming language C#. The developed application allows you to view information about the courses offered by FURB, some basic information about FURB, information about the Interação FURB event and its workshops, enrollment information, entry forms and financial support programs. In addition, the application has a restricted area for attendees and workshop visitors to register attendance via QRCode. The results obtained in the usability tests demonstrated that the developed prototype was able to facilitate the access to the information of the courses offered by FURB and essential information of entrance in the university.