Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Sanimar Esteves Theis
Título: PROCALSIS: aplicação para cálculo de orçamentos da construção cívil
With the increasing demand for services, the construction professional performs various labor budgets and materials for execution of a particular construction. This process is performed manually, which consume a significant time of the construction professional. The automation of this process, brings agility and greater emphasis on budget delivery to the customer, since the customer often looks for more than one professional to account the costs for the job execution. This academic work shows the design of a web application to calculate the costs of construction materials and labor for the liberal professional Vilson José Theis. With this software, he expects to simplify his job when budgeting labor and especially speed up the calculation of the construction materials required. The Procalsis software was developed using the MAKER development tool with the MYSQL database to store the information. The Procalsis makes it possible for the user to register the materials, activities, customers, suppliers, and other things. After doing these registrations, the user can initiate the creation of budgets of labor activities and the materials required. By informing the measurements of the construction site, the software will calculate the activities costs and the quantity of materials needed for a particular part of the job. After all steps are concluded, the user could send the budget by email to his client speeding the process. The development tool used met the expectations, the final result was satisfactory and all objectives were achieved.