Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Juan Peter Nunes
Título: ALLERGYBEACON: aplicativo para identificação de alerta de alergias de pacientes via beacons
This paper describes the development of a mobile application that aims to assist health professionals, generating the allergic information to patients' medications by alerting using beacons devices in an agile way. This alert depends on information pre-registered by an administrator. The application returns this information using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology and is compatible with beacons. For its development the Delphi 10 Seattle development tool was used with components, FireDac, DataSnap and MySQL database. As a result, it obtained an application capable of communicating with information that can be registered and linked to real beacons in a fast and agile way. It is possible in the future to be integrated into a legacy system where patient allergy information is available.