Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Heino Soehn
Título: Replicador de registros para banco de dados MySql
Database replication between enterprise information systems is a process that requires hardware and software infrastructure. Often there is hardware available in the units, but there is some difficulty in acquiring the software, for several reasons, the main ones being cost and meeting the needs. This work presents the development of an application whose purpose is to replicate records in a fragmented way for MySQL databases, that is, to replicate only user defined fields between the units of a registered company or group of companies. Replication aims to improve and automate the information sharing between the units, decrease the operational resources involved, and provide agility in the distribution of information. As a result we obtained an application developed in Delphi, where we chose the SQLDirect component for data persistence development, Report Builder as a tool for developing the replication settings report, and the replication process was developed directly in the database layer through Stored Routines, in this way the desired objectives were achieved.