Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): André Felipe Raulino
Título: Controle de rota para vigilantes utilizando NFC para validação de presença
Security is currently a hot topic in society. When it comes to business security, there are several methods to protect yourself, whether through cameras, alarms, lookouts, access controls, among others. While some perform the task in a more automated way, others done it in a more traditional way, as is the case with the patrol officers. This work presents the development of a prototype of a point watch system that uses NFC technology to perform checkpoint validation. The system has two modules. The web module that allows an administrator to register, search and monitor logs, lookups, routes, checkpoints, rounds, and checkpoint validations. And the mobile module that serves as a validating agent used by patrol officer to perform checkpoint validations. The work uses Mentawai Framework, Java and PostgreSQL. The result was a system that correctly performs all the proposed requirements but has an obligatory connection to the Internet for its operation, which may present some problems for the use of patrol officer in general, the development also generated knowledge about the use of NFC.