Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Jonatan de Freitas
Título: Controle financeiro mobile integrado à tecnologia NFC
This paper presents the development of an application, whose main goal is assist in personal
user financial control. The current economic crisis and the lack of information on financial
education, are causing a significant increase in indebtedness of Brazilian families and a way
to avoid debt is controlling and planning your financial life. So, the application developed for
the Android operating system, allows the users register their expenses and income and track
where, when and how they are spending their money. In that manner, the application
development was envisioned on a scenario where payment via smartphones using NFC
technology were already being practiced in Brazil. In the expense registration, the application
reads data from NFC tags, so, when the user makes the purchase of a product, already
registers the product as a new expense.