Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Ricardo de Lima
Título: Webservice honeypot utilizando a biblioteca Jhoney
The goal of this study is to provide a network service simulation tool to be exposed on the
Internet and receive attacks. Upon receiving an attack pretends to be a real service by
answering the requests of the attacker and recording information such as source address,
commands and scripts used for the attack, it is possible to study the behavior of hackers in
order to improve the security of a network. To develop this work we used a Java library that
simulates some services that can be configured according to the type of capture, eg. An FTP
or Web server The tool works in a hidden way in a network, based on this, any access made it
is considered an attack. It can be applied in a local network to identify attacks within an
organization or can be applied directly to the Internet, to receive external attacks. The
information generated by the tool are stored in a database and can be consulted in the system.