Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Everton Miyabukuro
Título: Sistema de monitoramento de transporte coletivo em tempo real via GPS para smartphone
This document presents the development of a public mass transit bus monitoring system with GPS technology that allows information of buses location to the user through smartphones. The system has been developed by using the Visual Studio 2012, Android Studio 1.1.0 and MongoDB tools to, respectively, develop web services, two mobile applications and a non relational database with geographic information processing. One mobile app is used to buses monitoring and other to presents location, lines and itinerary information and allows the user to check routes accordingly their needs. With the achieved results, it has been possible to conclude that buses position information could be given to the end user with good reliability grade and high update frequency, making it possible to get data that allows to estimate time for routes from buses monitoring data.