Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Guilherme Luís Maba
Título: Implementação de um Compilador para uma Linguagem de Programação com Geração de Código LVIS e MSIL
This report describes about the specification of the structured programming language MAB and about the development of the compiler in Python language that generates intermediate code for the virtual machines Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) and Common Language Runtime (CLR). To specify the lexical symbols, the syntax and the semantics of the language were used respectively, regular definitions, Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation and schemes of translation. The intermediate codes are generated in LLVM Instruction Set (LVIS), intermediate three-address code, and MicroSoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), intermediate code in the postfix notation. A comparison is made between the generated codes.