Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Alex Felipe Raulino
Título: Uma extensão do XACML para Federação de Identidades em Nuvem Computacional
The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) describes a language for access control policies and also a format for request and response messages, but has the limitation of not providing federated identity management and has not specified a way to identify the organization of the federation. Therefore this paper presents the implementation of an extension to XACML applies the concept of identity federation to access control. Also shown are three applications of tests that demonstrate the use of the extension XACML. From the tests conducted, it was demonstrated that it is possible to provide XACML extension identity federation. Extending XACML was developed based on the API Sun\'s XACML 1.2 already provides a basic implementation of the elements of the XACML language. In the paper we present a case for the extension of the XACML in creating identity federation between two clouds. Finally a conclusion is presented describing the tools used were appropriate and what the main contributions to the advancement of the XACML standard.