Informações Principais
Acadêmico(a): Camila Kleine
Título: Software de Apoio ao Processo de Revisão por Pares na Codificação
Ensure that software will actually do what it was designed to do is a big challenge. Hence, investing in the quality of your coding is very important. Some companies adopt process improvement models like the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), which suggests practices for developing and maintaining products through peer review in the coding. This paper presents a solution applied to a company that already has Blumenau CMMI processes and want to improve the quality of your product through peer review. The goal is to support the review process by managing the problems encountered by keeping a checklist and defining the roles of those involved. The software was developed in Delphi and MySQL database, and as a result, speeds the review process in development, identifying shortcomings and suggestions for improvement.